The Benefits of Facials in the Winter

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

The wintertime can be detrimental to our skin. Not only are we wearing masks, which can irritate the skin, but we are also dealing with the dry, cold air that further impacts our face. Treating yourself and your skin to a facial in the wintertime might be the best thing you can do for your skin's health this year. Not only will a facial help you destress and relax, but it will also provide benefits like restoring moisture, resetting your skin, increasing circulation, and several others. Whether you have dry, oily, combination, or normal skin, getting a facial in the wintertime is a great idea.

Get Hydrated Skin

Have you been struggling with dry, itchy, flaky, or even inflamed skin this winter? Cold temperatures often lead to dry air, which can evaporate the water in your skin. Getting a hydrating facial can reverse your skin’s dryness by using ingredients that will allow your skin to take in moisture better. Along with your facial, make sure you are drinking plenty of water in the wintertime. Staying hydrated paired with a hydration facial can make your skin smoother, softer, and more rejuvenated. Hydrating your skin is especially beneficial for those with dry and combination skin types. 

Clear and Reset Your Skin

Sometimes we need facials in the wintertime just to exfoliate and get rid of all the dry-skin build up. If you have oily skin, the process of getting rid of old or dead skin cells is often slowed because the oils act like glue, keeping the build-up on your skin. When we have too much build-up, our pores can become clogged and cause acne. Luckily, a facial can clear your skin from the build-up, so you do not have to worry about clogged pores, pimples, or blemishes. The exfoliation process is excellent for all skin types because it helps rid of those unwanted particles on your face that can become more prevalent in the winter months.

Increase Circulation and Reduce Wrinkles

Getting regular facials, especially in the wintertime, can increase the circulation in your face and decrease fine lines and wrinkles. Facials add pressure to your skin through various techniques, which can activate the circulation in your skin. Better circulation allows your blood to flow and make new skin cells, improving your skin's elasticity. This process is excellent for all types of skin, as all skin types can suffer from poor circulation or wrinkles. 

If your skin has taken a hit this winter, whether it be masks, stress from the holiday season, or even just the dry air, schedule yourself a facial with us today. Our facials have the benefits of hydrating, clearing, increasing circulation, and so much more. So stop by The Spa on Phillips today to improve your skin.


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